Exchange rates |
These rates are provided by National Bank of Romania and are automaticaly updated every day.
Rates for: 23.01.2024 |
1 USD = |
4.5780 RON |
1 EUR = |
4.9767 RON |
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The premises for conducting the case study |
Having extensive experience in working with various GSM technologies, we have decided to conduct this comparative case study between CSD, 2G (GPRS) and 3G (HSDPA, HSUPA şi HSPA) GSM technologies to point the advantages and disadvantages each have comparing to others and to offer you the premises of having a broad idea when you decide to select one of the technology.
Note*: In the case study we have used the Romanian carrier's price list which we equate to units to make the price carrier independent.
- acronym representing Circuit Switched Data
- charge by minute
- maximum speed:
- download (D/L): 9600 bps
- upload (U/L): 9600 bps
- price: 1 unit* for each data transmitted kilobyte
- the CSD connection protocol has no error correction
- the protocol is GSM signal dependent, but errors in communication may appear due to poor signal
- the protocol can be used where GSM signal is present (large coverage area)
- acronym representing General Packed Radio Service
- charge by traffic conducted
- maximum speed:
- download (D/L): 114 Kbps
- upload (U/L): 114 Kbps
- price: 0,0042 units* for each data transmitted kilobyte
- the 2G connection protocol has error correction
- the protocol is GSM signal dependent, but because of error correction mechanism of communication protocol, poor signal does not induce errors in communication
- the protocol can be used where GSM signal is present (large coverage area)
- acronym representing High Speed (Uplink/Downlink) Packet Access
- charge by traffic conducted
- viteza maximă:
- download (D/L):
- cat. 1-2: 1,2 Mbps
- cat. 3-4: 1,8 Mbps
- cat. 5-6: 3,6 Mbps
- cat. 7-8: 7,3 Mbps
- cat. 9: 10,2 Mbps
- cat. 10: 14,4 Mbps
- cat. 11: 0,9 Mbps
- cat. 12: 1,8 Mbps
- cat. 13: 17,6 Mbps
- cat. 14: 21,1 Mbps
- upload (U/L):
- cat. 1: 0,72 Mbps
- cat. 2-3: 1,46 Mbps
- cat. 4: 2,93 Mbps
- cat. 5: 2 Mbps
- cat. 6: 5,76 Mbps
- cat. 7: 11,5 Mbps (3GPP v.7)
- price: 0,0042 units* for each data transmitted kilobyte (HSDPA cat. 3-4)
- the 3G connection protocol has error correction
- the protocol is GSM signal dependent, but because of error correction mechanism of communication protocol, poor signal does not induce errors in communication
- the protocol can be used where 3G GSM signal is present (limited coverage area, in development)
2G (GPRS) |
charge by |
minute |
traffic (Kbps) |
traffic (Kbps) |
price calculated for 1Kb (units*) |
1 |
0,0042 |
0,0042 |
D/L transfer speed (Kbps) |
9,6 |
114 |
900 - 21100 |
U/L transfer speed (Kbps) |
9,6 |
114 |
384 - 11500 |
connection type |
on request |
on request/permanent** |
on request/permanent** |
interconnect mode ![fade=[off] cssbody=[dvbdy1] cssheader=[dvhdr1] header=[Info] body=[P2P point to point; P2M point to multipoint; M2P multipoint to point]](/imgs/info_mic.gif) |
P2P |
P2M/M2P** |
P2P/M2P** |
time to connect (seconds) |
40-90 |
3-10 |
3-10 |
protocol |
nu |
error correction at equipment level |
no |
yes |
yes |
Note**: Functionality provided by IWSC as an option. |
Price per Kb (units*) |
Connection time (seconds) |
Download speed (Kbps) |
Upload speed (Kbps) |