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Sales and Distribution

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Rates for: 23.01.2024
1 USD = 4.5780 RON
1 EUR = 4.9767 RON
iwGATE - Intelliware Management System (IMS)

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Sales and Distribution
Being able to monitor your vending machine in real time can help reduce lost revenue, improve machine performance, whilst also eliminating unnecessary service calls.

IWSC wireless products provide you with the ability to notify a central host or field staff of a remote machine's performance or of the quantities of products remained in the remote machine. This message can be sent out via a text message (SMS) or data packet over the wireless network for immediate action.

By deploying a wireless solution you can significantly reduce the installation cost and have great flexibility in the location of the machine because there are no wires. Wireless connectivity also provides a secure and fast payment method by the consumer for the machine's product if POS is included.

Sales and Distribution applications include:
  • Hot and cold beverages machines
  • Gaming machines
  • Car wash
  • Parking meters
  • ATMs
  • Point of sales terminals
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